Living Styleguide

Version 0.14.5


This is the 'out-of-the-box' style guide generated from the living-styleguide-skeleton project.

Table of contents


A living style guide is a reference, used as a single source of truth, that can help create a shared understanding of how the visual design of an application should look and feel, and provide guidance on how its user interface may be realized.

The living-styleguide-skeleton is an opinionated project scaffold used for developing a CSS stylesheet in isolation, and at the same time, creating a companion style guide.

SASS is used for CSS preprocessing, and KSS is adopted as the approach for documentation and generation of style guide content. More information regarding the use of KSS is detailed in the Documentation Guide section.

The tooling includes a dev server that enables both the stylesheet and style guide to be developed side-by-side.

Short animation of stylesheet and style guide being developed side-by-side.
The dev server in action


Developing the proper documentation for the stylesheet is a non-trivial and often, separate endeavor from the development of the stylesheet itself.

The living-styleguide-skeleton aims to make CSS development and documentation seamless, by combining the development of stylesheet and style guide into an integrated process.

Developing CSS is typically done in tandem with a visual sample where there is some given HTML markup that requires styling. The most basic approach to this is to first conceive the HTML markup that best represents the UI component, and then adding the necessary CSS to style into its desired form. Finally, visual affirmation is conducted to ensure that the styling appears as intended.

The following contrived example is meant to illustrate the above idea, in the context of living-styleguide-skeleton.

Start example

A UI component, Triptych, needs to be developed and uses the CSS selector class, triptych.

An unstyled visual sample can be rendered onto the style guide, by creating a new style guide section and including the necessary HTML markup that represents the underlying structure of the component.

// Triptych
// A __triptych__ is a block that is divided into three sections.
// Markup:
// <div class="triptych">
//  <div class="card">Ut semper nec ligula nec faucibus.</div>
//  <div class="card">Duis pellentesque porta justo ac scelerisque.</div>
//  <div class="card">Morbi lobortis risus at ultrices luctus.</div>
// </div>
// Styleguide Layouts.Triptych

.triptych {
  // add the styles to achieve end result

The rendered sample appears unstyled initially, and CSS is then added to shape the component into its intended form. The sample constantly reflects the effect of the CSS code as it is being developed, serving as visual guidance. And eventually, the finished result may look like the following.

Image of completed style guide section example
Completed style guide section example

Although the process in the example is the same as the basic CSS development process, there are a couple of differences:

  1. At no point was creating a separate markup file necessary for "visually testing" the written CSS code. Instead, the visual sample above was produced from in-source comments where the CSS was authored.

  2. Other than having produced the CSS code for the UI component, the documentation for it was also created.

  3. Unlike a process where styling is done on a product that is undergoing development; here, the process of styling is conducted away from the product, i.e. in isolation.

End example

Although CSS is the oft-mentioned term in living-styleguide-skeleton, the gist of the project is more about the documentation than it is about the stylesheet. The reason being, the effort required to develop a stylesheet is often relatively small, as compared to that needed to produce materials for communicating about its usage — not to mention, keeping both in sync.

In order to support the various types of documentation needed for communicating about design, a majority of the development of living-styleguide-skeleton is devoted to expanding and improving upon the authoring capabilities that kss-node provides. Enhancing style guide user features and optimizing its display and performance is also a key focus.

Getting Started

📝 Note: The repository of the project is currently private.

Initializing the project

# navigate into the project folder
cd /path/to/my-project

# install project dependencies
npm install

Running the development environment

# start dev environment
npm run dev

The dev environment will spin up a webserver to serve a live copy of the style guide, and a background process for watching file changes.

Building the static style guide and distributable for deployment

# build static style guide and distributable
npm run build

This generates a static style guide and any distributable files (i.e. assets and .css that are associated with the stylesheet).

The built style guide and distributable files will be located in build/styleguide and build/dist respectively.

💡 Tip: If using Bitbucket, GitLab, or GitHub for version control, a service like Netlify can be used to automate the publishing of the style guide every time changes are pushed into the repo.

Running live testing mode

# build a production copy and serve on target browser(s)
npm run live-test

Live testing is a convenient way to sample the production copy of the style guide across multiple browsers and also allows for interactions with the style guide to be synced.

The choice of browser(s) to launch can be configured in styleguide.config.js.

// ## styleguide.config.js
const config = {
  webServer: {
    port: HTTP_PORT,
    browser: [
      // "firefox",
      // `microsoft-edge:http://localhost:${HTTP_PORT}`,

module.exports = config

Key Packages Used

The project currently uses the following tools in order to accomplish its purpose.

  • kss-node - KSS parsing and style guide generation.
  • sass - CSS preprocessing, supporting modern SASS features like @use, @forward and namespacing.
  • postcss - CSS postprocessing, like auto prefixing (via autoprefixer) and minification (via cssnano).
  • chokidar - Watching changes in the file system and running appropriate build processes in response.
  • live-server - Web server used to serve the style guide during development.
  • BrowserSync - Web server used to serve the style guide for production preview, allowing interactions to be synced across instances.
  • esbuild - JS bundling for scripts used in the style guide which supports compiling of Vue SFCs using a self-made plugin.
  • Vue 3 - For making certain style guide features like search functionality.

Usage Notes

General Use Case

The living-styleguide-skeleton is generally suited for a CSS developer who wants to quickly produce documentation for a stylesheet and does not want to fuss with complex initial setups.

Due to current limitations, it is not suitable if the following are considered important:

  • To be able to serve the style guide on the public domain with SEO on a per-page basis.

  • To be able to integrate into an existing project.

Describing Component Behavior

Although unorthodox, behaviors of a component may be provided using Gherkin to elaborate on behavioral requirements as follows.

A Gherkin code block in markdown can be rendered with ```gherkin (three backticks).

Component: Accordion
  Scenario: ...
    When the User ...
    Then the Accordion should ...

Because a UI component may be re-implemented by different teams that use a different frontend stack, taking the time to assert component behavior can help implementers (and testers alike) to get a clearer idea of how it functions — especially if the style guide is only concerned with the styling aspect.

Import an existing CSS library

Using SASS, you can import a SASS-based library like Bootstrap to use as a starting point and then build on top of it.

// main.scss
@import "bootstrap/scss/boostrap";

// Note: "node_modules" is already set as an included path
// in SASS compiler, so it can be omitted.

💡 Tip: The example imports the whole of Bootstrap but you can choose to import only the stuff you need.

Using as a resource library

The scaffold is purposed for collecting all static media assets (e.g. images, fonts, etc) — including the CSS itself — into a single static resource library. This means that it was intended to be fashioned into a package, so that it may be included in other projects as a dependency. In this way, the collection of assets can be made available to multiple consumers (i.e. other projects) in the form of a global resource collection.

Therefore, it is recommended to use Git as version control to enable future options like installing a Git repo as dependency via npm.

# install from cli
npm i

Or you can do this from package.json and running npm install.

// package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "your_repo_name": ""

You can then import the styles into your project.

// ## your_project_main.scss
@import "path/to/node_modules/your_repo_name/src/sass/main";

File Structure

This section assumes that my-project is the root directory of the scaffold.

📁 my-project
├── 📁 config
│   ├── 📄 esbuild.config.js
│   ├── 📄 postcss.config.js
│   └── 📄 styleguide.config.js
├── 📁 scripts
├── 📁 src
│   ├── 📁 assets
│   ├── 📁 sass
│   │   └── 📄 main.scss
│   └── 📁 styleguide
│       ├── 📁 extend
│       ├── 📁 js
│       │   └── 📄 main.js
│       ├── 📁 styles
│       │   └── 📄 kss.scss
│       ├── 📁 template
│       │   ├── 📁 kss-assets
│       │   ├── 📄 builder.js
│       │   └── 📄 index.hbs
│       │   └── 📄 package.json
│       └── 📄
├── 📄 .browserslistrc
└── 📄 package.json

Build scripts

📁 scripts

  • Scripts for toolchain operations.

Static Resources

📁 src/assets/

  • Static media assets like images, fonts, etc.

📁 src/sass/

  • SASS source files of the stylesheet.
  • 📄 main.scss is the default entry file.

Style guide

📁 src/styleguide/

  • Source files related to the generation of style guide artifacts.
  • 📄 contains the contents of the style guide front page.

📁 src/styleguide/extend/

  • Source files related to extending style guide generation using Handlebars partials.

📁 src/styleguide/js/

  • Client-sided JS scripts used in the style guide, bundled using esbuild.
  • 📄 main.js is the entry file.

📁 src/styleguide/styles/

  • SASS source files of the style guide.
  • 📄 kss.scss is the entry file.

📁 src/styleguide/template/

  • Source files used to generate style guide content and structure.
  • 📄 builder.js is a builder script is used to override kss-node base builder.
  • 📄 index.hbs is a Handlebars template is used to generate the.html file(s) in the style guide.
  • 📄 package.json is required for builder.js to take effect. Do not remove!

📁 src/styleguide/template/kss-assets/

  • Static assets used in the style guide.


📁 config

  • 📄 esbuild.config.js is the esbuild configuration.
  • 📄 postcss.config.js is the PostCSS configuration.
  • 📄 styleguide.config.js is the living-styleguide-skeleton configuration which can be overridden by creating a styleguide.config.js at the project root.

📄 .browserslistrc

📄 package.json

  • The project's package.json file.