Living Styleguide

Version 0.14.5

2.2.4 #DocumentationGuide.BeyondBasics.Partials

Using Partials

Partials allows for the Markup of a section, by making use of those from other sections by referencing their index names.

The following example shows how the markup in another section can be referenced for use in this section.

// ...
// Markup:
// <div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 1rem">
//   {{> DocumentationGuide.Basics.Markup }}
//   Some text
// </div>
// ...

💡 Tip: You can see the index name of a section by hovering your mouse pointer over the section number (at the top of each section) in the style guide.

Some text
<div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 1rem">
  <button class="kss-demo kss-demo-btn">Button</button> Some text